The Alcorn School District wants to extend a special thanks to the C.A.R.E. Community Foundation for showing their appreciation and admiration of the ACHS teachers and staff by holding a drawing yesterday afternoon and awarding selected personnel with preloaded VISA gift cards. Congratulations to Brittany Berryman, Darcey Russell, Haley Jones, Trae Bain, and Crystal Bryde (not pictured). We greatly appreciate the desire of the foundation to support the hard work of our teachers and staff. C.A.R.E Community Foundation plans to make a weekly visit to each campus in the ASD for other drawings, so there will be more recognition and excitement provided by the C.A.R.E. Community Foundation on our other campuses in the very near future!
C.A.R.E Community Foundation Recognizes Staff Members at ACHS
September 24, 2020