The mission of the Alcorn School District Gifted Education Program is to target the educational and social-emotional needs of gifted children and to strive to meet those needs. To fulfill this commitment, educators are dedicated to utilizing teaching strategies different from regular classroom instruction and providing a program of rich experiences designed to enable students to become lifelong learners.
The Alcorn School District Intellectually Gifted Program will provide an environment that:
Permits and encourages gifted students to develop their potential through interaction with intellectual peers.
Encourages and nurtures inquiry, flexibility, decision-making, higher order thinking, and self-evaluation.
Honors students' unique learning and thinking styles, talents, and differences.
Provides appropriate modifications for various learning styles and diverse populations.
In this environment, the Intellectually Gifted learner will have increased opportunities to grow and strengthen:
Thinking Skills
Information Literacy
Affective Skills
Success Skills
Communication Skills
School-level programs shall provide educational experiences based on the competencies and objectives set forth in Outcomes for Intellectually Gifted Education Programs in Mississippi developed by the Office of Elementary Education and Reading, Mississippi Department of Education.