Don't forget the PTO meeting tonight at 5:30. We will be nominating PTO officers for the 2022-2023 school year. Come be a part of the future of ACES. We are AC!
Staff Spotlights
Staff Spotlights
Staff Spotlights
Staff Spotlights
Staff Spotlights
Staff Spotlights
Staff Spotlights
Staff Spotlight
Due to the threat of inclement weather and the holiday, after school tutoring will not meet Wednesday, April 13 or Thursday, April 14.
Bedtime Books with Dr. Brooks- Amazing Grace
One of my FAVORITE books!
Staff Spotlight
Staff Spotlights
Staff Spotlights
We have a guest reader for tonight's Bedtime Books. Our librarian, Mrs. Stacey Barnett, will be featuring another book from our Book Fair- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Truck
Don't forget the PTO meeting tonight at 5:30 in the cafeteria. We can't wait to see you there. There will be a drawing for a Chik-Fil-A card. You must be present to win.
We are AC! #weneedyoursupport #eatmorechicken #bettertogether
Bedtime Books with Dr. Brooks- Turkey's Eggcellent Easter
This book is available at our Book Fair! So cute!
Bedtime Books with Dr. Brooks- After the Fall ( How Humpty Dumpty Got Back up Again)
A great story about our CKH word- Courage
Candy money is due tomorrow!
Book Fair begins Monday, March 28- Friday, April 1. Last year's Book Fair was a tremendous success, and we would love to top that this year!
Due to the threat of inclement weather, the 21st Century after school tutoring program is cancelled for all campuses today, March 22, 2022.