Contact the Advisor
Heather Arnold
Phone: 662-286-5466
Email: harnold@alcornschools.org
What we do!
The purpose of the Golden Bear Annual staff is to design and create a theme for Alcorn Central's yearbook. Their tasks include drawing layouts, writing copy, and selling ads to help support this publication. They produce the yearbook with desktop publishing skills.
How do I apply?
The requirements for any students who want to apply are that they must be willing to work after school and on weekends, if necessary, to meet deadlines. One credit is offered for this class and is open to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.
Parent Pages
Parent Pages - Full $200, Half page - $125
Email any photos for your parent page to achsyearbook@alcornschools.org
Payment is due November 1, 2024
See Mrs. Heather Arnold with any questions.
This year, Yearbooks are the same price for seniors and underclassmen!
If any student wishes to add their name to the front cover of their yearbook, it will be an extra $10 on top of the base price.
Yearbooks: $65
Name on Cover: +$10 (Must purchase online w/book)
See Mrs. Heather Arnold or a yearbook staff member to purchase!