Volleyball closes season out in style!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
COLLEGE GAME DAY FRIDAY! - Wear your favorite College OR Pro team's colors! - Friday is always Spirit Day, so Purple & Gold works too! WE ARE AC! Be a Light!!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
SCHOOL PICTURES THIS WEDNESDAY! - Forms sent home so check those backpacks! WE ARE AC!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
MUMS! - Our first orders should be ready for pickup this Thursday/Friday. We will let you know ASAP! - In case you missed out, we will send forms home one more time but we MUST have them returned by Friday of this week! - You can access the form here: https://bit.ly/3k88eqg WE ARE AC!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
HOMECOMING GAME! - Student Tickets $3.00 - Available Friday - @Commons Area (near gym) before school - @Pep Rally/Football Field Entrance WE ARE AC! Be a Light!!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
HOCO WEEK! - Color Wars tomorrow @ACMS - Bring one canned good to donate - Parade @6:30 tomorrow evening followed by Bonfire MUMS STILL ON SALE! - https://bit.ly/3k88eqg SEE YOU AT THE POLE WAS AWESOME! WE ARE AC! Be a Light!!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
See Ya At The Pole Awesomeness! Thank you students and teachers for attending!!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
Bears win!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
Bears win!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
Bears win!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
CANNED GOODS THURSDAY! - Students bring one as part of COLOR WARS Day - Points per can help your grade win MUMS ORDERS! - https://bit.ly/3k88eqg - Pickup day(s) soon HOMECOMING WEEK! - Awesome week so far - Pictures coming FACEBOOK! https://bit.ly/2DPukeI WE ARE AC! Be a Light!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
Mums go on sale NOW! - Forms will be heading home and/or you can order early. - Print it out (Link Below) and send it back with your student - Let's paint the county PURPLE! https://bit.ly/3k88eqg
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
PROGRESS REPORTS! - Sent home today - Teachers have worked hard to try and get everything graded and students have worked hard to get caught up - Never hesitate to reach out to your child's teachers and ask questions - We are here to serve! 6th-7th-8th GRADES! Check those backpacks for... - Oasis, I am Enough information - Medical Plaza Vaccination Information for ages 12+ A BIG THANK YOU to our medical folks for always providing and helping us to stay safe! Something to ponder that I ran across recently concerning masks: https://bit.ly/3hlbooD WE ARE AC! Be a Light!!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
RED, WHITE & BLUE TOMORROW! - We would like to see everyone at wearing RED, WHITE and BLUE on Friday! - 7th and 8th Grade will attend the Chorus 9/11 Remembrance presentation on Friday. Please send $1.00 to support our ACMS Chorus Group. Saturday, September 11th, 2021 marks the 20 year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93 which crashed in suburban Pennsylvania. Patriot Day serves as a remembrance of the lives lost on that September morning. I still remember where I was and what I was doing... I was teaching some of you U.S. History at ACHS! Seems like it was only yesterday. WE ARE AC!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
We are back to school tomorrow with most of our students back in the building. Football plays at Iuka, 5:30 start and Volleyball is headed to Booneville. What a great way to welcome our 7th/8th kiddos back! WE ARE AC!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
Good afternoon ACMS Family! Stating the obvious, this has been a tough few days and definitely not what we thought the school year would be like in 2021-2022! Everything from COVID to bad weather.... it has been a real challenge! The good news is we have great students, a great staff and support from an awesome community! Let's pull together and do our best to be our best these next few days. WE ARE AC! Be a Light!!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
Pull together
Volleyball action is LIVE on YouTube right now. Go watch our girls give it their all! We are AC!!! https://youtu.be/1d9bNSzCGw4
over 3 years ago, Alcorn Central Middle School
We are excited to get those students back in the building tomorrow. Get some rest tonight and expect to have a great day! WE ARE AC! Be a Light!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
ACMS will be open at 8:00am Saturday (tomorrow) for those wishing to participate in this year’s annual Prayer Walk. Thanks in advance for lifting up our students, parents and staff in prayer. WE ARE AC!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith
Reminders! IPADS - The ASD iPad Agreement Form can be completed online at any time https://pdf.ac/FMdh1 - There is a $25 technology fee which can be paid at Open House - Students will receive iPads once school begins LUNCHES! - Are FREE again this year, but we still need everyone to complete a form to help our school - Let's be the first school EVER to have 100% completed. We can do this! https://www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict ACMS OFFICE CLOSED! - Thursday and Friday during the day for Professional Learning Conferences WE ARE AC! Be a Light!!
over 3 years ago, Travis Smith