Another great week of school! - Enrollment is up! - School Spirit is high! - Kids are happy and having fun! - Teachers are excited for next week! Stay safe this weekend and do the things that help keep us in school! - Wear Your Mask! - Watch Your Distance! - Wash Hands Often! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
FRIDAY is SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY! - Wear Your Purple and Gold Loud and Proud! - One School Spirit Day winner chosen from each grade! - Wins a free lunch (from off campus) to be delivered next Friday! TESTING! - Many of our diagnostic tests are behind us and we are busy analyzing the data! - Teachers will be contacting you about results moving forward! - DATA allows our teachers to meet students' needs more effectively! - Good news is our students did well, even after the long "spring break"! HEALTH! - Thanks for the consistent communication! - Keep a check on temperature and other symptoms! - Refer to the Alcorn District Site for factual, updated information! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
MONDAY - May want to send an extra bottle of water due to "boil water notice" - We won't let our kiddos go thirsty! I-READY TESTS - Are designed to help us teach more effectively - Will be completed tomorrow we hope - Thanks students and teachers for working hard to get this done well iPADS - 7th/8th assigned - Bring to school charged and ready - We have ordered more chargers for those who may not have one - Keep learning how Canvas works just in case... HEALTH - Thanks parents for communicating with us - Keep 'em home if they have any symptoms - Check temps often especially before sending them to school - Close contact to a confirmed case needs to stay home and contact the school ASD DECISION TREE - Link below can help you make a decision on sending children to school or not WE ARE AC! ANOTHER GREAT WEEK AHEAD!!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
We had an amazing week of school and really want it to continue! Our schools are a direct representation of our communities! For schools to stay open & fall athletics to happen, we must practice good hygiene daily...including from 2:00 ‘til dawn and on the weekends. Wear a Mask! Wash Your Hands! Watch Your Distance! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
FRIDAY! - School Spirit Day at ACMS - Show your school pride on Fridays - Wear the Purple and Gold LOUDLY and PROUDLY! ACMS FACEBOOK - - Like and Share! ASD COVID UPDATE LINK! - Thanks to all for keeping our students and yourselves as safe as possible so we can keep kids at school! STAY AT HOME SYMPTOMS! - Loss of taste or smell - Cough - Fever or chills - Headache - Fatigue - Nausea or vomiting - Diarrhea - Sore throat - Congestion or runny nose - Muscle or body aches - Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing LUNCH FORM LINK! -
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
We Are AC!
MONDAY UPDATES and TWEAKS DROP OFF! - Teachers are not in the building until 7:20 - Do not drop off too early PICK UP! - 5th/6th with Elementary siblings will go to Elementary - 5th/6th without Elementary siblings at Auditorium Steps like we have been doing - 7th/8th go to the Bear in front of High School Gym A big shout out to Officer Bullard and the teachers who are keeping us safe! IPADS! - Having to make a few adjustments for 7th grade - Please be patient as we work out the "bugs" HEALTHY HABITS! - Keep on keepin' on so we can stay in school! - Keep them home if they are sick or running a fever! - Keep us updated as to your student's health, status, etc. when they are out! - Update those contact numbers and emails often! DISTANCE LEARNERS - We are off to a slow start but we will have things up and running soon - On Site Assessment Times - Attendance is not an issue at the moment - Devices and understanding the process is priority ONE! - No one is behind! DISTANCE LEARNERS TIMES TO BE ON CAMPUS - 6th Tuesday; 7th Wednesday; 8th Thursday & Makeup Friday! - Attend 8:15-11:15 OR 1:15-3:30 each day, not both! - Come to main office and we will safely get you where you need to go! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
A GREAT START! - Thank you students, staff and parents for an amazing start! - Stay safe and practice healthy habits so we can continue being at school together! DISTANCE LEARNERS! Assessment Days/Times Next Week to be on Campus - 5th Monday - 6th Tuesday - 7th Wednesday - 8th Thursday - Attend 8:15-11:15 OR 1:15-3:30 each day, not both! - Plan to be at ACMS on time & to stay the entire time - Come to main office and we will safely get you where you need to go! - MASK UP! ACMS GIRLS BASKETBALL TRYOUTS! - 7th Grade... Monday, August 10th - 8th Grade... Tuesday, August 11th - 3:30 until 5:30 - Must have an updated physical to participate - Questions: - Held in High School gym WE ARE AC! WE ARE PROUD TO BE BACK!!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Day Two was a Huge Success and we can't wait to have everyone with us Friday! MASK UP ACMS! Distance Learners - If you missed the meeting tonight, you may pick up iPads at school on Friday iPads for Others - 7th/8th will be given out Monday at school! - 8th GRADE $20 per semester fee or $40 total to Coach Matthews - 7th GRADE $20 per semester or $40 total to Ms. Woodruff - Parent Agreement Online Form: LUNCH FORMS need to be completed please! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Mask Up
Thanks to our amazing students and awesome staff DAY ONE was a Success and DAY TWO will be even better! Distance Learner Students - iPad Distribution Thursday in Cafeteria - 5th/6th @3:30 - 7th/8th @4:30 - Enter at Main Office - Temp. Checks & Masks Required - $20 Technology Fee per Semester - Parent Agreement can be completed in advance and found on ACMS web page iPad Distribution Monday at School - 7th/8th Students during the school day - Fees can be paid in advance beginning Friday - Parent Agreement on ACMS web page ONLINE FREE/REDUCED LUNCH FORM - Please complete! WE ARE AC! Together we got this!!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
TOMORROW - Bells will be ringing...buses will be rolling and we can’t wait to get those students (A-L) on campus - Please send small bills for snacks - Sleep well and be safe on the way to school - 2:00 dismissal through September - Great times ahead at ACMS! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
DISTANCE LEARNERS! - This Thursday we will be distributing iPads and discussing Distance Learning details in the ACMS cafeteria - One parent ONLY please with Guidelines in place - 5th and 6th grades 3:30-4:30 - 7th and 8th grades 4:30-5:30 - An iPad Technology Agreement can be completed online in advance of the meeting: - A $20 Technology Fee per semester will be collected at the meeting - More details will be made available at the meeting concerning requirements, school work, attendance, etc. WE ARE AC! WE GOT THIS!!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
ACMS Basketball/Baseball Tryouts! - Jr.High Boys Basketball Tryouts - August 10th and 11th from 2-4. - Must have Updated Physical and New Signed Covid Waiver Jr.High Baseball Tryouts - August 13th and 14th from 2-4 - Must have Updated Physical and New Signed Covid Waiver Sports tryouts are definitely a sign that we are getting closer to getting back to normal! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Sports Tryouts
WOW! We had a great day back at school with our staff and are ONE DAY CLOSER to having our students back where they belong! A FEW REMINDERS - Lunch Application link...We need 100% completion! - Money can be deposited in child's lunch account by sending it in an envelope and giving it to the first period teacher. - All snacks at break and such will be $1.00 until further notice. Please send exact change with your student as needed. - Distance Learners! We will send all information out on Monday as to processes, device pickup plan, etc. - Teachers are working hard to insure we have the best plan possible for Distance and School Learning! - Check out the ACMS STUFF link for some valuable info! - iPad Agreement can be completed digitally from the ACMS STUFF link! Be sure and read it thoroughly! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Teachers are back on campus and we are excited for your kids to return. We will be meeting this morning so please hold calls until after 9:00. 7th-8th schedules can be viewed on Active Parent or picked up at Orientation! WE ARE AC!!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
ORIENTATIONS at ACMS - We will follow guidelines... wearing masks, social distancing and temperature checks. Monday, August 3rd - 6th Grade @4:00 - 5th Grade @5:15 Tuesday, August 4th - 7th Grade @1:00 - 8th Grade @2:15 - One parent only please - Meet in gym to begin - Brief overview and meet with teachers in gym - We will then dismiss giving you time to walk through school - Need to be off campus 15 minutes before the next session begins ONE DAY CLOSER! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Please make your way to the ACMS web page and check out the ACMS STUFF link! ...And be sure to complete the Online Lunch Form!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Much Appreciated and Much Needed!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Prayer Dive Thru!
"SCHOOL STUFF" Distance Learning Folks- we are in the process of contacting each family with further information as to the process. We hope to get to everyone by early next week. 5th / 6th Grade Students and Parents will be able to meet their teachers and check out their new rooms, tour the school, etc. on August 3rd. - Times will be announced early next week. Still working out logistics for 7th / 8th orientation. - 7th / 8th can pick up schedules tomorrow and Friday 8:00-11:00 In case you missed it, students will be dismissed daily at 2:00 to start the school year. ONE DAY CLOSER! WE ARE AC!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
STUDENT SCHEDULES for 7th and 8th graders are available online AND for Walk Up-Pick Up Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings 8:00-11:00. Ms. Eaton will be stationed outside the main office and we will be available to answer questions about schedules and registration! Drive through, walk up, pick up, ask questions as needed and don't forget to wear your mask! We ask that you please do not call the office concerning schedule changes. We need to work these out in person if possible. A time will be made available soon for ALL students to locate their rooms, tour the school, etc. WE ARE AC! ONE DAY CLOSER!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Distance Learning! Today is the last day to sign up! You can sign up by clicking on: Information pertaining to Distance Learning can be found on the form. A time to discuss the process, distribute devices, train and answer questions will also be a part of the Distance Learning Process. A time will be set and shared for ACMS students and parents before school starts on August 5th. WE ARE AC PROUD!
over 4 years ago, Travis Smith
Distance Learning