There was a technical issue which signaled a lockdown alert at AC this morning. There was NOT a threat. The students and staff initiated lockdown procedures quickly and efficiently. All students and staff are safe. WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
Softball Open Tryouts!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
Homecoming is EARLY this year, so don't miss out on buying your Homecoming T-Shirt! They are on sale now. You can get forms from any school office. All sizes are available. Elementary and middle school students will get forms from their teachers. #weareAC
over 1 year ago, Alcorn Central High School
hoco shirt 2023
Good evening ASD! Your help is needed! Please watch this 50 second message from ASD Superintendent Brandon Quinn.
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth White
Good evening ASD! Your help is needed! Please watch this 50 second message from ASD Superintendent Brandon Quinn.
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth White
Good evening ASD! Your help is needed! Please watch this 50 second message from ASD Superintendent Brandon Quinn.
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth White
Prayer Walk on all AC Campuses tonight (Wednesday, July 26th). Your prayer support is appreciated & felt throughout the year! WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
Orientation! - 5:00 & 6:00 with the same content covered - Meet in the HS Auditorium (15-20 minutes) Open House! - Teachers will be available from 5:00-7:00 - Mrs Eaton will have schedules - Forms & Fees can be taken care of if needed WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
ASD Staff begin the year tomorrow with an awesome couple days of learning conferences. We will be back in the building ready to serve Tuesday afternoon. Don't forget Open House/Orientation Tuesday evening, 5:00-7:00. WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
Cafeteria Update! - Reduced Breakfast $0.30 - Reduced Lunch $0.40 - Paid Breakfast $1.25 - Paid Lunch $2.75 - Additional milk $0.50 - Lunch Form Link: All Parents- Please fill out a lunch form. - If you do not want to place your income on the form, please write “Do Not Qualify,” sign and return the form. - We will have paper forms available at Orientation. Hope to see everyone Tuesday, 5:00-7:00 Stay safe and enjoy the weekend! WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
Updated 7th Grade Supply List - see image.
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
Didn't take long to need a correction...Sorry. Open House is 5:00-7:00 (not 8:00)
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
ACMS Open House Information 2023-2024 - 5:00-8:00 on July 25th - All Grades Come & Go Purpose - Meet & Greet our Amazing Staff - Staff Meet/Greet our Awesome AC Families & Students Orientations in High School Auditorium, @ 5:00 & 6:00 - Expectations, Procedures, Policies will be covered both times to help you schedule other events if needed Schedules Available - For those who have completed registration & online lunch forms - Lunch Form Link --- 7th & 8th Grade - Tech Fees/Forms Needed - iPads will be distributed once school starts - $25 Fee Collected at Orientation & First Day of School (Correct change please) - iPad Form Must be Completed --- Online Form: --- Paper Copies will also be available 5th & 6th Grade - NO Technology Fees - iPads will stay at school - Proper care will be taught & expected - Damage fees will still apply More info to come! WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
Orientation/Open House Details! Tuesday, July 25th! - We will have 5:00 & 6:00 Orientation Sessions in the High School Auditorium - You can attend either. - The same information will be covered. - 10-15 minutes each session - Teachers will be available in their rooms (Open House) from 5:00-7:00. - First day for students is July 28th! - Wow! Where did summer go?! WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
ACMS Girls Basketball would like to thank the USARMY for their support of our basketball program. "HOO-AH!" WE ARE AC!!!
over 1 year ago, Coach Cannon
ACMS Girls Basketball Thanks the USARMY
Proud to be living in the USA! WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
The AC Family would like to give the US ARMY a shout out for the support they have shown to our Middle School Boys Basketball Team, and the ACMS Basketball Program. HOO-AH!!!
over 1 year ago, Coach Cannon
US ARMY support ACMS
ASD Foundation of Excellence Meeting on June 13th @ 5:30.
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith
ACMS LADY BEARS BASKETBALL SUMMER SCHEDULE ALL TIMES FOR EACH DATE WILL BE 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm JUNE: 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 30 JULY: 10, 11, 17, 18 *ALL practices are MANDATORY (unless excused by Coach Malone) *Summer Games (if possible) will be announced
over 1 year ago, Coach Cannon
Another school year has ended & summer has begun! Be safe, enjoy the time with family & enjoy God's creation as much as possible! WE ARE AC!
over 1 year ago, Travis Smith