Have a restful and enjoyable spring break!


Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss, March 2, 1904. He wrote and illustrated more than 60 books. Cat and the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax , How the Grinch Stole Christmas are some of his most popular books. We will celebrate Dr. Seuss and read a few of his popular books this week. #BESDr.Seuss Week 2025

The Alcorn County School District Honor Choir students and musical directors have been working hard Friday and Saturday rehearsing for their annual spring concert. We would like to invite you to join us as they present thier performance today, Sunday March 2, at 2:00 p,.m., at Oakland Baptist Church. We are proud of our BES Honor Choir students and our Music teacher Mrs. Kristen Cook.

Wishing Good Luck to BHS Lady Basketball Team! They will play Thrasher for the state
championship tomorow morning at 10:00. Let's Go Lady Lions! We Love you and we are cheering for you all!

Wishing Our BHS Lady Lion Basketball Team Good Luck as they play in Jackson today at 3:00.

Dr. Seuss Spirit Week Next Week

BES BEAUTIES.... GET signed up for the BES Pageant on March 22. DEADLINE is February 28.

A very special thank you to Corinth American Legion for raising our new American
Flag given to BES by Kevin Bollig, Army National Guardsman. The members also presented a demonstration on how to fold the American Flag and shared flag etiquette with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students on Friday February 7. After the presentation, the students were given an American Flag and show their respect by thanking the veterans for their service to our country.
Members of the American Legion are Terry Phillips, Jimmy Horton, Michael Blume, Nora Moreland, Tina Hurst and Cindy Rhodes.

BES Pageant Details coming home today!

Reminder from Nurse Ali

Get your yearbook ordered as soon as possible

FREE ADMISSION for all students.....TONIGHT..... Biggersville vs. Baldwyn
Games begin at 6:00

BIGG Love and Support for baby Hart

Let's show our Love and Support for baby Hart.

Come join our BES family!

BES 2nd Nine Weeks Roaring Lions
#LearnLeadExcel #BESRoaringLions


We hope you are all enjyoying the snow. If you would like to share your Snow Day pictures with us please post in the comments. #BESSnowDay2025