Mrs. Holt class book project

ACHS English III students completed their study of the Mitch Albom novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by conducting a "Character Autopsy".  

In small groups, students created a life-size representation of their character's body using details given in the text.  Then, as in a real autopsy, students dissected their characters by answering analysis questions associated with different parts of the character's anatomy.  For example, the question for the mouth dealt with the character's communication, " What do you think this character's life motto would be?  What song would symbolize his/her life?"  They then posted these answers along with textual evidence to prove why they developed their answer. 

The students enjoyed this hands-on project and gained important skills in proving their own ideas.  Mrs. Holt and her students would love to get feedback on their work.  Posted in the B-wing hallway, alongside the characters, are QR codes that will take you to a Google form questionnaire.  Please consider letting English III know what you think.

We are proud to see our students interacting with each other in fun learning environment. Our teachers work very hard at trying to incorporate so many skills into our classrooms.

Thank you Mrs. Holt and English III for such a fun project!