Lynley Woodruff, Sally Kate Gardner, Emily Mann, Maddie Mask, Lauren Trantham, Emma Renfrow, Eva Yelverton, Stella Briggs, (Not pictured: Callie Crum)
Latest Lady Aggie Bowler News:
In the match against Corinth on Wednesday, November 3, the Lady Aggies continued their dominance into the 2021-22 season by defeating Lady Warriors 7 - 1 with a total pin fall to the Lady Aggies of 2808 to Lady Warriors 2236
The Lady Aggies faced off with a young but very talented Warrior team and maintained the pressure all evening with great scoring by all.
High Series went to Sally Kate Gardner with a 576 Series ( 192 avg.), followed by Lauren Trantham with a 510 Series (170 avg.), and then Lynley Woodruff with a 476 Series (159 avg.)
The Lady Aggies continue action against Biggersville on Wednesday, November 10 @3:30.
Lady Aggie Spotlight:
Congratulations to Sophomore Sally Kate Gardner for bowling her personal best in bowling practice recently. She bowled a series of 695 (232 average). Coach Michael Lee said he believes that is also the highest series ever recorded with Kossuth Bowling, for either team.

*Banner and page layout by freshman Amber Bright.