Reminder: 1st and 2nd Grade Parent Information Night tonight Sept. 11th from 5:00 - 6:00
Biggersville Families
Reminder: Pete the Cat Week Sept. 11-15 Grades Pre-K - 2nd grade!
Please Join Us for the 5th & 6th grades Parent Information Night!
Please Join Us for our 3rd & 4th grades Parent Information Night!
Our first "Pawsitive" Behavior Store was a BIGG success!!!
Parents of 1st and 2nd grader please Join Us for our Parent Information Night.
Thank you to Mr. Dennis Dilworth and Coca Cola for their generous donation to help in making our awards night in May such a great success. We are very appreciative of this donation, Coca Cola, and the rest of our community for always supporting our Lions!! With your help and support, together we continue to do BIGG things!!!!
Parent Survey
Pre- K Grandparents' Day
"Pawsitive Behavior"
Please Join Us!!
Summer break is great but we are thrilled to see our BES students and parents! See you all on July 25th!
Hello BES Family!
This has been another WONDERFUL week at our fantastic little school! We had our 2nd nine weeks honor roll awards today! Check out the Biggersville Elementary Facebook page for photos!
BES was well represented today by students in the ASD Quest Chess tournament! An EXTRA BIGG Shoutout goes to 2nd grader Olivia Dodds for her 2nd place finish!
Remember- there will be NO SCHOOL Monday in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr National Holiday.
RESPECT is our word of the month! Ask your kiddos what that word means to them & talk about what RESPECT looks like in your home this weekend!
We are so excited to have your lions back in our classrooms ON TUESDAY! Have a GREAT weekend!!
~Mrs. White
Pending State Board of Education approval on Thursday,
BES has EARNED AN “A” state ranking!!!
This does not happen without HARD CONSISTENT WORK by our students, teachers, staff, & families!
We are ALL part of something very SPECIAL here at BES! It’s a WONDERFUL THING to be part of this Biggersville family!
This week, awards nights, & zoo info for BES! 🖤🦁🖤
Hello BES family!
Progress reports, a PreK registration flyer, & “Cokes by the Case” fundraiser forms came home with your students today.
Please be sure you see all these items tonight! If you have any questions, please let us know.
As a reminder- Monday is Valentine’s Day! At BES, we want to focus on KINDNESS & FRIENDSHIP on this special day! All our students will receive a sweet & salty valentine treat, and most will have special activities in their classrooms in celebration of the day.
Unfortunately, we need to ask that nothing be brought in for exchange between our students this year. Please do NOT send your child with cards, candy, or goodie bags of any kind.
It’s a wonderful thing to be part of this Biggersville family! Have a good night!
🦁~ Mrs. White
BES Spring 2022 Dates to Remember
Hello BES Family!
Reminder- there will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow in recognition of the national holiday honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’d like to share my favorite quote from the late reverend with you today.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Thank you for the light and the love we share between us as a Biggersville family! Thank you for lending your light and love to me & trusting me to share my light and love with you and your children.
It’s a wonderful thing to be part of this Biggersville community!
See your kiddos Tuesday!
🖤🦁~ Mrs. White
Tomorrow is a SNOW DAY, Lion family!
Please keep our kiddos safe & enjoy any snow we may get!
I can’t wait to hear all about their cold-weather adventures when we return to school!
❄️🦁❄️~Mrs. White