"Pawsitive Behavior"

Please Join Us!!

Summer break is great but we are thrilled to see our BES students and parents! See you all on July 25th!

Hello BES Family!
This has been another WONDERFUL week at our fantastic little school! We had our 2nd nine weeks honor roll awards today! Check out the Biggersville Elementary Facebook page for photos!
BES was well represented today by students in the ASD Quest Chess tournament! An EXTRA BIGG Shoutout goes to 2nd grader Olivia Dodds for her 2nd place finish!
Remember- there will be NO SCHOOL Monday in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr National Holiday.
RESPECT is our word of the month! Ask your kiddos what that word means to them & talk about what RESPECT looks like in your home this weekend!
We are so excited to have your lions back in our classrooms ON TUESDAY! Have a GREAT weekend!!
~Mrs. White

Pending State Board of Education approval on Thursday,
BES has EARNED AN “A” state ranking!!!
This does not happen without HARD CONSISTENT WORK by our students, teachers, staff, & families!
We are ALL part of something very SPECIAL here at BES! It’s a WONDERFUL THING to be part of this Biggersville family!

This week, awards nights, & zoo info for BES! 🖤🦁🖤

Hello BES family!
Progress reports, a PreK registration flyer, & “Cokes by the Case” fundraiser forms came home with your students today.
Please be sure you see all these items tonight! If you have any questions, please let us know.
As a reminder- Monday is Valentine’s Day! At BES, we want to focus on KINDNESS & FRIENDSHIP on this special day! All our students will receive a sweet & salty valentine treat, and most will have special activities in their classrooms in celebration of the day.
Unfortunately, we need to ask that nothing be brought in for exchange between our students this year. Please do NOT send your child with cards, candy, or goodie bags of any kind.
It’s a wonderful thing to be part of this Biggersville family! Have a good night!
🦁~ Mrs. White

BES Spring 2022 Dates to Remember

Hello BES Family!
Reminder- there will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow in recognition of the national holiday honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’d like to share my favorite quote from the late reverend with you today.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Thank you for the light and the love we share between us as a Biggersville family! Thank you for lending your light and love to me & trusting me to share my light and love with you and your children.
It’s a wonderful thing to be part of this Biggersville community!
See your kiddos Tuesday!
🖤🦁~ Mrs. White

Tomorrow is a SNOW DAY, Lion family!
Please keep our kiddos safe & enjoy any snow we may get!
I can’t wait to hear all about their cold-weather adventures when we return to school!
❄️🦁❄️~Mrs. White

Happy Thanksgiving from BES!

Hello Biggersville family!
This cooler weather has reminded me… We will begin our annual winter necessities drive as soon as we return to school from Thanksgiving break!
Due to a very generous donation from one of our area businesses, we will NOT need any blanket donations this year. However, we plan to distribute cold-weather necessities that often get overlooked in the hustle and bustle of this season.
We will be collecting donations in all infant, youth, and adult sizes of underwear, socks, pajamas, winter hats, and gloves for both males and females. Please add these items to your black Friday shopping list as there will be many good deals to find!
Please also remember our objective is to take care of our families. It is a truly wonderful thing to be part of a community like ours! We, as a school, want to do our part to help provide for our family! Thank you in advance for your help in making this happen!
~ Mrs. White

Hello Biggersville family!
What a WONDERFUL week we had at BES last week!!!
We hope you all enjoyed our Veterans Day videos & pictures!
BIGG thanks to Biggersville SRO Fred Washington and SO MANY law enforcement officers who joined us Friday morning for KIDS, COPS, & DONUTS! (For pictures check out Biggersville Elementary on Facebook!)
BIGG SHOUT OUT to our BES teachers- including this year’s BES TEACHER OF THE YEAR, Ms. Anna Martin!
Our teachers work amazingly hard for our kiddos! I am so blessed to get to watch them working and our kids LEARNING EVERY DAY!
We have 5 more FANTASTIC days of school before Thanksgiving break! Please have your kiddos to school before 7:45 AM. & continue to encourage your kiddos to work hard and do their best!
We still have lots of BIGG things to learn!
It’s a wonderful thing to be part of this Biggersville family. Have a super Sunday!
~Mrs. White

Hello Biggersville family!
What a WONDERFUL week we had at BES last week!!!
We hope you all enjoyed our Veterans Day videos & pictures!
BIGG thanks to Biggersville SRO Fred Washington and SO MANY law enforcement officers who joined us Friday morning for KIDS, COPS, & DONUTS! (For pictures check out Biggersville Elementary on Facebook!)
BIGG SHOUT OUT to our BES teachers- including this year’s BES TEACHER OF THE YEAR, Ms. Anna Martin!
Our teachers work amazingly hard for our kiddos! I am so blessed to get to watch them working and our kids LEARNING EVERY DAY!
We have 5 more FANTASTIC days of school before Thanksgiving break! Please have your kiddos to school before 7:45 AM. & continue to encourage your kiddos to work hard and do their best!
We still have lots of BIGG things to learn!
It’s a wonderful thing to be part of this Biggersville family. Have a super Sunday!
~Mrs. White

Ms. Anna’s 1st grade proudly says THANK YOU to our VETERANS! 🦁🇺🇸🦁

Ms. Weeden’s 4th grade shares a Veteran’s Day Poem 🦁🇺🇸🦁

Mrs. Seago’s 4th graders salute our Veterans! 🦁🇺🇸🦁

Mrs. McVey’s 1st graders teach us about Veterans Day from BES! 🦁🇺🇸🦁

BES Kinders say THANK YOU to our Veterans! 🦁🇺🇸🦁

Make up pictures will be TOMORROW!!! If your child was absent on picture day or if your child has enrolled with us since Oct 6, they need to come to school ready to have their picture taken!
To be certain we don’t miss anyone, please write and send a note to school tomorrow reminding us that we need your child’s smile on film!
This Friday we will be celebrating ALL OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS and 50 FABULOUS DAYS of school at BES! All October birthday kiddos can wear hats on Friday and ALL students are invited to dress in fun 50s attire to help us celebrate!
BHS is hosting an alumni night THIS FRIDAY! $25 gets all alumni a school tour, dinner, & admission to our home football game Friday night! Please call the BHS office for more details!
It’s going to be another BIGG week at BES! Have a great evening!
🦁~Mrs. White