Please watch Biggersville family! 2 minutes of Information about a survey you are about to receive! THANK YOU! 🦁~Mrs. White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White Our BES phones are not working properly. We will send everyone home the same as we do every Monday unless you are able to get your call through today. PreK dismissal 12 today Dismissal grades k-6 12:30pm
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
Happy Sunday Biggersville family! We had a WONDERFUL school-wide birthday celebration on Friday! All our July & September birthday kiddos loved wearing their hats all day & walking in our birthday parade! & the cupcakes were a hit with everyone! BES will be required to wear masks for one more school day, Monday August 30. However, after that, masks are still strongly encouraged! A few things to remember; This THURSDAY, Sept 2, is PICTURE DAY! EVERY student will be photographed so send your kiddos to school ready to SMILE! There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, Sept 6 due to the Labor Day holiday. Sept 7-10 will be LION WEEK at Biggersville! All BES students will get into our Biggersville junior high football game on Tuesday, volleyball match on Thursday, & high school football game on Friday for FREE with a paying parent! Students are encouraged to show their Biggersville pride by dressing in school colors all week! BIGG things are happening every day in our little world! Thank you for trusting us with your kiddos! 🦁~ Mrs. White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
We will be MASKING UP at BES for the next 3 weeks! I’ll be wearing my mask! Please send your kiddos in their masks! No matter the situation, there is no other school family I’d rather be part of! It’s a wonderful thing to be part of this Biggersville family! 🦁~Mrs. White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
60 second video- an amazing morning at BES! #BiggThingsHappening @BiggersvilleE
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
BES 21-22 FIRST DAY, Wednesday, Aug 4 Drop off 7:15am Classes begin 7:45am Buses dismiss 3pm Car line begins loading 3:05pm 🖤🦁🖤 #BiggThingsHappening @BiggersvilleE
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
BES Open House Monday 5:30-7pm Come & Go! First day of school Wednesday Drop off begins 7:15am Classes begin 7:45am 🖤🦁🖤
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
Back to BES 2021-2022 Information! Please watch & share! #BIGGThingsHappening 🖤🦁🖤
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
Hello BIGGERSVILLE family! Our BES Office will be closed July 2-6 but should be open next Wednesday & Thursday (July 7-8). After that, we will be in-&-out until July 20th. Your child, however, should be receiving letters from their homeroom teachers by mid-July. It won’t be long until all our lions join us back on campus, but until then, please stay safe & enjoy your summer! Happy 4th of July! 🦁- Mrs. White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
🦁☀️ Happy Father’s Day to all our amazing Biggersville Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, Cousins, & Brothers who work so hard every day to raise our Biggersville kiddos! And happy Father’s Day to all our Biggersville staff who stand in that gap 8 hours a day! It truly takes a village to raise a child, & I firmly believe we have a fantastic village here at Biggersville! Thank you for trusting us with your little lions! I hope you all have an amazing day! ♥️🦁♥️~ Mrs. White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
Hello BES family! PreK & Kinder program TONIGHT @ 6pm! All are welcome! Please wear a mask! TOMORROW IS FIELD DAY AT BES! 1- dress your kiddos in play clothes and tennis shoes 2- please send a bottle of water to school with your child 3- feel free to send sunscreen-we will be spending a lot of time outside! Unfortunately- VISITORS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON CAMPUS during this year’s Field Day. We’ve almost made it through this crazy Coronavirus school year! I cannot wait until next year so we can share campus with our families again the way we have in the past! Looking forward to a BIGG day with your kiddos tomorrow! 🦁~Mrs. White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
🦁💐 Happy Mother’s Day to all our amazing Biggersville Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts, Cousins, & Sisters who work so hard every day to raise our Biggersville kiddos! And happy Mother’s Day to all our Biggersville staff who stand in that gap 8 hours a day! We all love your babies! It truly takes a village to raise a child, & I firmly believe we have a FANTASTIC village here at Biggersville! Thank you for trusting us with your little lions! I hope you all have an amazing day! ♥️🦁♥️~ Mrs. White
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth White
BES family reminders; - STATE TESTING DAYS for most students are TOMORROW & WEDNESDAY - Have your kiddos to school BY 7:30am!!!! Being late affects your child AND everyone else! - Registration for next year’s 7th grade is TOMORROW @ 5pm. All current 6th grade students & their parents need to attend. - This week is TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! Send your child’s teachers a note or a happy to let them know how much you appreciate their hard work this year! It’s been a marvelous Monday at BES! We are looking forward to a tremendous Tuesday tomorrow! 🦁~Mrs. White
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth White
Physicals for 6th grade students planning to participate middle school athletics next year will be performed by MRHC for free TOMORROW with signed permission. All 6th graders should have brought home permission papers last week. If you need additional information, call the high school office in the morning. On Tuesday @5pm in the cafeteria, this years 6th grade students will have 7th grade registration for next year! All parents of 6th grade students should plan to attend with your child to get them signed up for school next year! Please remember- All PreK & Kindergarten students will participate in our year end program on Thursday, May 13 @6pm. Awards night for grades 1-6 & 6th grade promotion ceremony will be held on Monday, May 17 @6pm. Both events will be held in the gym with no attendance restrictions but masks will be required. Be certain you encourage your child to continue working hard in their classrooms for the next few weeks! We will all continue to be kind, do our best, & make good choices as we wrap up a fantastic year at BES! 🦁~ Mrs. White Message 2 of 2
almost 4 years ago, Alcorn School District
Hello Biggersville fam! We are gearing up for a phenomenal first week of May @BES! State tests will be given in Reading & Writing this week for grades 3-6! Kindergarten students will also complete their state MKAS test to measure how much they’ve grown academically! Please be sure your child is at school BY 7:30 each morning to be certain they have time for a good breakfast before they give their best on these tests! Message 1 of 2
almost 4 years ago, Dylan Lambert
Hello Biggersville family! BES will host a summer learning program for students entering grades 1-6 in June! The program will run Mondays-Thursdays June 1-24 from 7:30-11:30am. Children will be served BOTH breakfast AND lunch on campus each day. BUS TRANSPORTATION to and from home WILL BE PROVIDED! Your child brought home summer registration papers today. SPACE IS LIMITED so send those papers back TOMORROW! State championship t-shirts were sent home yesterday! If you missed out on the first order, you still have 1 chance to get a shirt. Tshirt Orders & money will be taken in the office until Monday, May 3rd! BHS basketball fish fry is THIS SATURDAY from 3-6pm. Call the office to order plates for your family! $10 each! SAVE THESE DATES- Thursday, May 13- 6pm- PreK & Kindergarten end of the year program Monday, May 17- 6pm- BES Awards night Grades 1-6 Have a great evening! 🦁~Mrs. White
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth White
Hello Biggersville family! Because of an extreme threat of severe weather, we will have a day of virtual learning TOMORROW. ALL Biggersville students should have come home today with something paper/pencil based to work on tomorrow. School will resume on campus this Thursday. Boys Basketball State Championship tshirt order forms came home with every student today. These orders are due by next Monday, so be sure to get them turned in to order one of these AWESOME t-shirts! Our Coke fundraiser raised over $2000 for our school! Any of you who bought drinks can help us raise a little more by returning the black plastic drink cases. For every case returned our school will receive another $1! Please return those cases to the BES office! LAST CHANCE to order a 2020-2021 school annual is this week! All orders must be turned in by FRIDAY! We’re off to a great start of our 4th nine weeks! Stay safe tomorrow & we’ll see your young lions on Thursday! 🦁~Mrs. White
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth White
BIGG basketball celebration today at the gym at 3:00 to honor our Varsity Girls and Boys teams. Hope to see everyone there!
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth White